Modules are a thing of the past, meaning that all functions are included with ProPresenter 7 for no additional fee. While both platforms now have complete parity with regard to functionality, it wouldn't be correct to say that all the modules are supported in both versions. Now, you can send and receive midi notes from both versions, whether you're controlling other software or ProPresenter is being controlled by it. Before, most of the modules worked, but the Midi module didn't work on the Windows Version. Now, both versions have powerful text editors onboard.

Before, there were certain text formatting options that the Windows version just couldn't do, but the Mac version could. Now it joins the Mac version in the happy promised land of 64-bit apps. Previously, the Windows version of ProPresenter was only 32-bit. Now, we'll dive into 11 of the most significant changes updates available in ProPresenter 7.

Audio channel routing and audio inspector.Announcement Layer – a new layer that you can target to a separate output to run a loop of slides or separate presentation.Stage Display can go over SDI/NDI/Syphon.Advanced Preview Screen (multiple screens, interactive clear buttons).Linked Text Fields (other text elements on a slide or things like timers, etc).EasyView – a way to view the content of your slides in a way that is more easily readable.New Editor with advanced text/shapes/layout tools.Multiscreen is now internal to the computer.Updated & Modern UI/layout – New Quick Search, multiple libraries, clear buttons, plans to move timers/props/etc to the area below the preview screen.Here is a quick list of updates available in ProPresenter 7: That's not because Renewed Vision has abandoned the Windows version, but because they've been hard at work making version 7 as good on Windows as it is on Mac. Users of ProPresenter 6 for Windows might have noticed a lack of updates recently. It's not as capable as the Mac version, but capable, nonetheless. With each major release, the feature-set has gotten more robust, to the point that ProPresenter 6 is now very capable on Windows. ProPresenter 4 was the first time that Renewed Vision offered a Windows version.

The recent update to ProPresenter 6 answers many of the issues from former versions, plus it adds features you didn't know you needed. Nowhere is that more obvious than in the implementation of ProPresenter 6 for Windows. As with most things, there is always room for improvement. If a church uses something other than PowerPoint, it's most likely ProPresenter.

ProPresenter is the industry standard for church presentation software. You’re in! Keep your eyes peeled for your confirmation email! Enter a giveaway for a free paid license to ProPresenter 7